Secure Data Upload Instructions

  • Only send data using the following link:
  • Confirm that your files will be delivered to “Data Transfer” which is displayed at the top of the page.
  • Drag or upload the files that you would like to securely transfer to Powers Interactive.
  • Complete the “From” and “Message” fields and include:
    - Your company name
    - Powers Interactive Point of Contact your working with
    - Number of records in each file
    - Segmentation instructions if applicable
  • Record layout should include columns sufficient to specify a postal address (street, city, state, zip, etc)
  • By default, each file creates a single target audience. If any segmentation is required, please include additional columns to assign segment membership to each address and note that in the “Message” field.
  • All files must be delivered in CSV or TXT format with the first line being a header and the subsequent rows containing the address data
  • You can add additional files at this point, if applicable
  • Click “Upload” and wait for the file to complete the upload process
  • You will receive confirmation that your file was delivered